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Where can I earn the most as an HSE professional?

Posted by NOSA on Mar 9, 2017 11:00:00 AM

We’ve said this before – having a passion for your work is important, but this would mean nothing if its compensation doesn’t come close to feeding you and your family. This blog reveals what you can expect to earn, depending on where you are in the world, and the employment landscape for each of the areas we discuss. We focus on three continents specifically – the United Kingdom, Africa and the United States.

Remember: These salary brackets can vary. The information provided here has been compiled from data covering as wide a proportion of the international industry as possible. Also, as we have done in previous blogs, the salaries are annual earnings, and are listed in US dollars for ease of reference.

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Topics: Career in Health and Safety, work safety, Occupational Health and Safety, Global Trends

The latest in safety technology – is your office keeping up?

Posted by NOSA on Jan 2, 2017 9:00:00 AM

Technology has a tremendous impact on communication. Those who are early to adopt new technology typically have a competitive advantage, which allows them to stay ahead of their competition.

Conversely, failing to identify and adopt advancements in technology has had irreparable consequences for several well-established businesses. So, what is technology’s impact on the health and safety industry?

Connected with the latest in safety technology trends is the effect of global megatrends on occupational health and safety, an area in which our NOSA Head of Innovation, Dr Deonie Botha has been conducting research. Today we take a look at how these can have a direct (and positive) impact on how you currently train your staff on health and safety in the workplace.

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Topics: HSE trends, HSE, Global Trends, technology

A retrospective of 2016 trends and what this means for 2017

Posted by NOSA on Dec 15, 2016 9:00:00 AM

There is a continuous demand for identifying new and creative ways to mitigate hazards in the workplace. In face, workplace health and safety risks not only have a tremendous impact on the livelihood and wellbeing of emplyees accross all industries, but they can be exceptionally costly to companies that need to address on-the-job injuries. A significant number of employees suffer from a slip, trip or fall injury every year, sometimes costing employers hundreds of thousands of rands for each incident. 

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Topics: Risk management, HSE trends, HSE, Global Trends

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