What’s the best way to prove something’s efficacy? By hearing on-the-ground testimonials of what it’s like to be a SHE professional, and the health and safety training they have had, we can see first hand whether something is proving to actually work. Last week we sent out a call to you, asking for your personal stories of how health and safety (its training, and the commitment it instils) literally helped you and your colleagues save lives.
Here’s what you had to say…
Of the 54 employees for whom I was tasked overseeing the health and safety, with the help of two health and safety representatives, I was able to ensure absolutely no serious injury occurred, and no employee needed to claim compensation for contracting an occupational disease. An audit of the project was subsequently conducted and I scored highly.
In projects that followed, I was able to maintain the same high standard of safety. This was helped by:
- Sisa Cingo
- Curt van Nieuwenhuizen
We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t share the stories you told of how NOSA played a role in enhancing the health and safety of your own practices, and your company’s:
“NOSA has helped me to work safely at all times, to act as my colleagues’ ‘brother’s keeper’, and I carry this attitude everywhere I go. NOSA you’re the best – #safesavelives!”
- Eric B Maabane
NOSA would like to thank all those who sent their stories to us.
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