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Topics: New Year, Holiday, driving safety, Safety tips, Holiday safety
Topics: Holiday safety, Household safety, Christmas
Topics: Holiday safety, Sun safety, Household safety
The difference between stress and burnout is a matter of degree, which means that the earlier you recognise the signs, the better to avoid burnout.
Topics: stress, fatigue management, burnout
As the schools close, and everyone gets ready for the festivities, take note of these essential holiday safety tips.
Topics: Fire safety, Holiday, Safety tips, First aid, Emergency tips
Developing your company's required emergency plan ensures all personnel and visitors can act swiftly and decisively in emergency situations, and to minimise the effects of an emergency situation. NOSA will help you to implement the procedures and guidelines to prepare your staff in handling, rectifying and/or minimising emergencies that could potentially affect your work activities.
Topics: Risk management, Fire safety, emergency
In May this year, we took a look at the current landscape of illegal mining. Today, we review the negative effects of this clandestine industry.
Topics: Mining, risk, Environmental hazards, Illegal mining, Health and safety hazards
Uncommon, but not unheard of – hazardous chemicals and injections
We’re now onto the last of our blogs on entry routes of hazardous substances into the body, and today’s article takes a look at accidental injection of such toxins. While uncommon in most workplaces, it can occur when a sharp object (e.g., needle) punctures the skin and injects a chemical (or virus) directly into the bloodstream.
Topics: HSE, HSE best practice, Environmental hazards, Hazardous chemical substances
In part three of our four-part blog series, we take a look at how hazardous substances are ingested through the body. It sounds pretty simple – we swallow them right? It’s actually a little more complicated than that. Let’s have a look.
Topics: work safety, HSE, HSE best practice, Environmental hazards, Hazardous chemical substances