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NOSHCON: Retrospective from the 2016 conference

Posted by NOSA on Sep 26, 2016 9:00:00 AM

Once again, we are happy to announce another successful week at NOSHCON. From the variety of presentations by leading industry experts, to the range of entertainment on offer night after night, guests were never left uninspired or unattended. For those of you who were unable to attend, here’s a taste of what delegates experienced…

The #NOSHCON2016 chalkboard selfie competition



Guests had a chance to win a SAMTRAC International E-Learning course. All they had to do was add their motivational safety message to the chalkboards available, snap a selfie and post this to social media with the #NOSHCON2016 hashtag. Victor Masingita Makhubele was our winner, with his message ‘Make safety your priority’. Here are a few of our entrants, and their powerful safety messages and photos.












WINNER: Victor Masingita Makhubele


Mancoba Zwane: ‘Safety NOW’


Bridgette Schrauwen: ‘Safety never takes a break’


Thabisile Dhlamini: ‘I am safe by choice – are you?’


Natalie Fisher McManus: ‘Attitude is everything’


Viral Dholakia: ‘Blood group SHE +ve’


Thulile Sista Yengwa: ‘Safety is everybody’s responsibility’



Congratulations to all our 2016 NOSCAR winners. We are proud of you for making health and safety a priority in your workplace. Special mention to Afrisam for winning their 34th NOSCAR and ER Signs for winning best exhibition. Take a look at this video from the night for a taste of the event’s excitement:

Zelda’s appearance included her experiences as: 

  • the Patron for the First for Women Foundation and Beeld Kinderfonds
  • co-ordinator of the annual Bikers for Mandela Day
  • a part-time employee of the Foundation for Professional Development
  • the writer of 2014’s bestselling ‘Good Morning, Mr Mandela’ – her memoir detailing her dedication and service to Nelson Mandela.

FOUR safety presentations that will impact how we see health and safety

Conference attendees were lucky enough to sit in on presentations given by today’s leaders in occupational risk management. Our 1 September blog post offered a snapshot of six presentations that will impact health and safety in the coming months. We’ve loaded four of these on our SlideShare page, which you can access now:

Dr Eugene Kemp: Resilient leadership in a transformational era

See the full presentation here.

Dr Arien Van der Merwe: Metabolic syndrome – a real threat to workplace productivity  

See the full presentation here.

George Coetzee: Material unwanted events – critical control management

See the full presentation here.

Dr Deonie Botha: ISO 45001 and organisations as complex adaptive systems

See the full presentation here.

Thank you to all attendees for your continued support. If you have any feedback to offer for NOSHCON 2017, please submit it on the form below.



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