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New Year’s Eve safety toolbox kit

Posted by NOSA on Dec 29, 2016 9:00:00 AM

New year ahead.jpg


While staying safe on the road must be a high priority for New Year's Eve revellers, it's certainly not the only safety issue that you may confront as you ring in the new year. However, with a little care and foresight, you can protect yourself from some of the more common risks. Use the toolkit below and your biggest challenge may be remembering all the words to "Auld Lang Syne."


When you’re partying

Ensure you have a designated driver for the night. Even better, arrange to stay where you are celebrating. You may be in fine condition, but you don’t know about the driver next to you or the one around the corner.


Don’t set your drink down anywhere. A lot of times people are too trusting within their surrounding and tend to put their drink down where anyone can get to it. Keep your drink with you. Even if you have to go to the bathroom, either take it with your or give it to a close friend to look after. Whatever you do, don’t leave your drink at a table and return to it later. While New Year’s Eve is super fun it’s also super dangerous when it comes to someone spiking your drink while it’s unattended.


If you’re drinking champagne

Pop all bottles away from guests or anything of value. Another pro-tip is the 45 degrees rule of thumb – it’s the ideal temperature to avoid spontaneous combustion and the ideal angle to uncork at.


If you’re setting off fireworks

We’d recommend not setting them off at all, but if you really want to, rather leave it to the experts. The best way to enjoy fireworks is to watch a public exhibition from a safe distance. If you feel you must light your own fireworks never allow children to handle or light any kind of fireworks.


Handling firearms

It is a tradition for some to shoot firearms up in the air. This is a very bad idea, especially in populated areas. What goes up, must come down. In 2002, for example, a nine-year-old boy was killed while celebrating Independence Day in Buena Park near Los Angeles in the United States, as a result of a stray bullet shot into the air.


Attending public events

You’re going to want to attend all of the parties and festivities. When attending these events, beware of your surroundings at all times. This is extremely important since you may be drinking around many people you don’t know in a place you’ve probably never been. Never go to these types of places by yourself. This doesn’t just apply to women, but to men also. When at public events make sure you have a communication device, such as a cell phone or laptop just in case anything bad happens.


Stay with friends

If you plan on going anywhere for the holiday, take friends with you. When going to any type of party or function, don’t go alone. This is especially important when it comes to women going out. Always stay in groups.


Remember to keep your pets safe

Nothing frightens pets more than sudden, loud noises. Pay extra attention to your pets so they won’t run away in a panic. Scared, running pets can be hit by cars, cause accidents, become lost, not to mention, frequently biting people.


Four general tips for your celebration include:

  • making sure all fences and gates are secure
  • making sure your pet has its ID or dog license
  • asking your veterinarian for tranquilisers if your animal has shown signs of extreme uneasiness in the past
  • keeping your pets INSIDE, in a comfortable room, with comforting music playing to drown out scary noises.






Topics: HSE, New Year, Safety

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